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Kybella vs. EMFACE Submentum

Kybella vs. EMFACE Submentum

Double Chin Dilemma: EMFACE Submentum vs Kybella Showdown

October 6, 2024
By, Brett Ashley McMillan

Decoding Double Chins

Are you bothered by the appearance of a double chin? You’re not alone. Many individuals struggle with excess fat beneath the chin, which can impact their confidence and self-esteem. We all know that double chins are the WORST. Whether your double chin is caused by weight gain, aging, facial structure, or genetics, it can be extremely hard to get rid of. Believe it or not, 79% of the population is concerned about their double chin. Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to help reduce or eliminate a double chin, ranging from non-invasive procedures to surgical interventions. We’ll explore some of the most popular methods for double chin reduction, helping you understand your options and make informed decisions about improving your appearance and boosting your confidence.

What are My Options?

There are many treatment options for double chin reduction, there are non-invasive treatments such as Kybella injections, which contain deoxycholic acid to dissolve fat, and EMFACE Submentum, utilizing radiofrequency technology to tighten skin and reduce fat, and offer effective solutions without surgery. For those seeking more immediate results, surgical options like liposuction or neck lift surgery can provide more dramatic changes by physically removing excess fat and tightening the skin but these options require significant downtime. Of course, lifestyle modifications such as maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, and regular exercise can complement these treatments to prevent the accumulation of fat in the submental area. Consulting with a qualified healthcare professional can help determine the most suitable option based on individual goals and preferences.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment specifically designed to reduce the appearance of submental fullness, or the “double chin.” It contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella works to destroy fat cells, resulting in a more contoured and defined jawline. The treatment is typically administered in a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart, and results gradually become noticeable as the body metabolizes the destroyed fat cells. The number of Kybella treatments required varies depending on individual factors such as the amount of submental fat and desired results. However, most people typically undergo a series of Kybella treatments, usually ranging from two to six sessions. These treatments are typically spaced about a month apart. The provider will assess the patient’s response to each treatment and adjust the treatment plan accordingly to achieve the desired outcome.

What is EMFACE Submentum?

“EMFACE Submentum” is the first non-surgical treatment that permanently dissolves the double chin and eliminates jowls without the use of needles. EMFACE Submentum simultaneously strengthens the neck muscles to bring clients a chiseled jawline, a tight and youthful appearance and improves the profile by permanently shrinking the fat pad known as the dreaded “double-chin.” The EMFACE Submentum Double Chin treatment utilizes a unique RF+ technology specifically designed for this area. Unlike standard EMFACE treatments, where RF energy focuses on the skin and muscle with lower energies and avoids affecting fat, RF+ reaches higher temperatures and penetrates deeper into the fat layer. This targeted approach reduces fat while stimulating collagen and elastin production in the skin. By emitting both Synchronized Radiofrequency and HIFES energies, EMFACE Submentum in Bozeman simultaneously affects submental tissues, muscle, fat and the skin leaving you with a more chiseled jawline, lifted neck, and reduced double chin.

Which One is Right for Me?

Now that you know what each of these treatments are and what they do, you may be saying “Well which one should I do?”, and that’s a good question! Both treatments reduce the double chin but let’s look at the differences between the two. 

  • EMFACE Submentum requires no needles vs. Kybella requires an injection 
  • EMFACE Submentum does not create bruising vs. Kybella can create bruising because of needle insertion
  • EMFACE Submentum is painless vs. Kybella involves needle insertion which can be painful for most individuals
  • EMFACE Submentum uses technology to create a lifting effect from the collar bone up vs. Kybella dissolves fat and does nothing for muscle or skin.
  • EMFACE Submentum uses RF+ to create more collagen and elastin in the skin to help with the stretchy skin under the chin vs. Kybella does not help with extra stretchy skin

Kybella is a great treatment, and if you don’t mind needles and some downtime, it will be great for you, but the EMFACE Submentum treatment provides so many other benefits besides just permanent double chin reduction. EMFACE Submentum also treats the skin, tightening, lifting, and going beyond just the basic dissolving of fat. This innovative device enables targeted fat reduction in the double chin area by emitting both Synchronized Radiofrequency and HIFES energies, EMFACE Submentum in Bozeman simultaneously affects submental tissues, muscle, fat and the skin leaving you with a more chiseled jawline, lifted neck, and reduced double chin.

If you would like to know more about each of these treatments and which one will be more beneficial for you, book a complimentary consultation here at Juniper in Bozeman. We would love to help you gain confidence in this aspect of your life and possibly even get you in for treatment TODAY.