Emsculpt NEO in Bozeman

Your Ideal Figure Starts with


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Welcome to Juniper Face + Figure

The Body Device that Permanently Burns Fat + Builds Muscle

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Carrying the title as the #1 Body Sculpting device in the world, EMSCULPT NEO delivers and supersedes anything we can do in the gym when it comes to permanent fat burning and muscle building!

A healthy diet and regular exercise routine can bring great results as you work toward your ideal body. However, most of us have busy and stressful schedules that prevent us the time we need to reach our goals. We also struggle with “problem areas” that seem to see no improvement no matter how healthy we eat or how much we work out. Instead of spending countless hours at the gym, let Juniper Face + Figure help you achieve the physique of your dreams with our advanced fat-burning + muscle-building device – the EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman.

Completing a package on the EMSCULPT NEO is equivalent to completing a 16-20 week HIIT workout! Juniper clients enjoy a total of 6 sessions to permanently burn fat and build muscle to their desired body area (and our arm package includes both triceps and biceps!)

Before & After

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After this client completed an EMSCULPT NEO - Abdomen package (4 sessions), we are all excited to see drastic cellulite and permanent fat reduction. Her skin has also tightened, toned, and contoured beautifully. This client now gets to enjoy discounted maintenance sessions for life through Juniper (one of our guaranteed specials for those that complete EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman through Juniper).

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These Before + After photos were taken when her EMSCULPT NEO results peaked (which is 8 weeks after her last, and 4th, treatment). She is completely cut and toned and now has a beautifully chiseled stomach. WOW!


Client completed a package of 4 treatment sessions, each 30 minutes long. She received 20,000 bicep curl contractions during each session.

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EMSCULPT NEO, Outer Thighs

Client completed package on her outer thighs with the EMSCULPT NEO. Notice how the treatment has lifted her buttocks, improved texture and dimpling, and has overall improved the tone and appearance of her skin.


Client completed package of EMSCULPT NEO on his arms (biceps and triceps). We measured increased bicep circumference showing new muscle growth, arm definition, and this client also reported breaking new personal records in the gym in weight lifting at the age of 45!

Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Booty), 4 Sessions


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. It strengthened and improved the sight of her diastasis recti as well providing increased core strength.

Emsculpt Neo, Outer Thighs, 4 Sessions

EMSCULPT NEO, Glutes (Buttocks)

Clients can expect a tighter and lifted booty by building 30% muscle after completing 4 sessions on the EMSCULPT NEO. Skin tone, texture, and dimply significantly improve as well!


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.

Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Booty), 4 Sessions


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.

Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Booty), 4 Sessions


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, improved her diastasis recti by 19%, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.

Emsculpt Neo, Outer Thighs, 4 Sessions


Client completed package of EMSCULPT NEO on his arms (biceps and triceps). We measured increased bicep circumference showing new muscle growth, arm definition, and this client also reported breaking new personal records in the gym in weight lifting at the age of 45!

EMSCULPT NEO, Glutes (Buttocks)

Clients can expect a tighter and lifted booty by building 30% muscle after completing 4 sessions on the EMSCULPT NEO. Skin tone, texture, and dimply significantly improve as well!

Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Booty), 4 Sessions


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen and thighs. She has permanently (and significantly) lost fat and inches off her mid-section and obliques, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well. Beautiful results! **Skin pigment irregularities is from covering up a full body tattoo for privacy reasons


Client lost inches and gained muscle after completing a package on her biceps.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for his abdomen. He has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, chiseled his obliques, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


Treating the abdomen tightens all the internal tissues creating a flat tummy without the bulge! The radiofrequency of EMSCULPT NEO tightens and tones the skin and eliminates cellulite dimpling, too!


Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Booty), 4 Sessions


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section and love-handles, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


EMSCULPT NEO treats the biceps (top of the arms) and the triceps (bottom of the arms) for muscle building (25%) and permanent fat reduction (30%).

Emsculpt Neo, Outer Thighs, 4 Sessions


Client completed package on her outer thighs with the EMSCULPT NEO. The treatment improved texture and dimpling and has overall improved the tone and appearance of her skin.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, improved her diastasis recti significantly, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


80,000 contractions to her biceps in one bicep arm package!


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section and obliques, built muscle, significantly tightened and toned her skin as well as improving her diastasis recti by 19%!.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


Client completed package of EMSCULPT NEO on his arms (biceps and triceps). We measured increased bicep circumference showing new muscle growth, arm definition, and this client also reported breaking new personal records in the gym in weight lifting at the age of 45!


Client complete package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen, however, it significantly improved her obliques, too! She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.

Emsculpt Neo, Outer Thighs, 4 Sessions


Example of the muscle gain (30%), definition improvement, and shape of completing EMSCULPT NEO on the calves (4 sessions).

EMSCULPT NEO, Glutes (Buttocks)

Clients can expect a tighter and lifted booty by building 30% muscle after completing 4 sessions on the EMSCULPT NEO. Skin tone, texture, and dimply significantly improve as well!

EMSCULPT NEO, Outer Thighs

Client completed 4 sessions of the EMSCULPT NEO. As you can see here, even though we did her outer thighs, the treatment significantly helped lift her buttocks as well, improved the appearance of her skin texture and tone, smoothed curves, and decreased dimpling and cellulite.


Client completed package on her outer thighs with the EMSCULPT NEO. Notice how the treatment has lifted her buttocks, improved texture and dimpling, and has overall improved the tone and appearance of her skin.


Client has completed four sessions on the EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman. She has had permanent fat reduction (30%) and muscle building (25%) and has visibly lost cm's from her mid-section. The red mark on the 'After' photo is caused by the warmth the radiofrequency gives out during the treatment.

EMSCULPT NEO, Outer Thighs

Client completed 4 sessions of the EMSCULPT NEO. As you can see here, even though we did her outer thighs, the treatment significantly helped lift her buttocks as well, improved the appearance of her skin texture and tone, created a wider thigh gap, smoothed curves, and decreased dimpling and cellulite. Love these examples!

EMSCULPT NEO, Inner + Outer Thighs

Two paddles will be placed on each inner thigh to treat the client's problem area. Clients can expect tightened and toned skin, more definition, and a decrease in thigh circumference.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. She has permanently (and significantly) lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for his abdomen. He has permanently lost fat and inches off his mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


This client completed a treatment package on her biceps. 4 total treatment sessions.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen, however, the treatment also significantly improves the obliques as well (love-handles). She has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section, built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.

EMSCULPT NEO, Outer Thighs

Client completed package on her outer thighs with the EMSCULPT NEO. Notice how the treatment has lifted her buttocks, improved texture and dimpling, and has overall improved the tone and appearance of her skin.

Emsculpt Neo, Outer Thighs, 4 Sessions


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen, however, it also improved and strengthened her diastasis recti (from childbirth) 19% as well!


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO on his abdomen. He has permanently lost fat and inches off her mid-section and love-handles, significantly built muscle, and tightened and toned the skin as well.


Client completed package on the EMSCULPT NEO for her abdomen. This treatment has flattened her stomach, taken cm's off her waist circumference and tightened and toned the skin as well.

EMSCULPT NEO, Outer Thighs

Client completed package on her outer thighs with the EMSCULPT NEO. Notice how the treatment has lifted her buttocks, improved texture and dimpling, and has overall improved the tone and appearance of her skin.

Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Booty), 4 Sessions

EMSCULPT NEO, Outer Thighs

Client completed 4 sessions of the EMSCULPT NEO. As you can see here, even though we did her outer thighs, the treatment significantly helped lift her buttocks as well, improved the appearance of her skin texture and tone, smoothed curves, and decreased dimpling and cellulite. Love these examples!

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Emsculpt Neo, Glutes (Buttocks) + Inner Thigh

Client completed four sessions on the Emsculpt Neo for this dramatic weight loss result. She lost inches, toned her buttocks and hamstrings, and has gone down in pant sizes.

EMSCULPT NEO, Glutes (booty)

This is actually Injector Brett after she completed 6 treatments for her booty on our EMSCULPT NEO!! Flat to round and cheeky!


Package completed on the EMSCULPT NEO Abdomen

Beautiful results, slender skinny tummy


The radiofrequency of the EMSCULPT NEO helps to reorganize the collagen fibers, making them stronger. When this happens, the cellulite and dimpling is not able to poke through the weak areas of the tissue matrix, which helps with toning and firmness. Looks so beautiful!

EMSCULPT NEO, Treatment Area: Glutes and Outer Thigh

Client completed a package which includes 4, 30-minute treatment sessions spaced 7-10 days apart.


After completing four sessions on the NEO, this client has seen improvements in dimpling, cellulite, lost inches, thigh gap, and a more perky booty. Love her tightened and toned results!


This beautiful client has transformed her body. The EMSCULPT NEO brought in her stomach creating a visually flat and muscular appearance. She was looking for tightening and toning - and the EMSCULPT NEO delivered!


You can easily see how much the device tightened and toned her skin, cinched her waist in creating lost inches and even tightened the skin around her belly button. Beautiful angles and flat, flat, flat!

Emsculpt Neo, Outer Thighs, 4 Sessions

Emsculpt Neo Package that does 4 treatments to both biceps AND triceps.

Emsculpt Neo treatment to the booty. Tight and lifted! Client 39 years old.

4 Treatments completed on the Emsculpt Neo in Bozeman

Treatment Details

Is a consultation required?


How long are the treatments?

30 minute sessions done once a week, for six weeks.

When can I expect to see results?

Immediately, with full results peaking 3 months after your last (6th) session!

When will I need maintenance sessions?

Varies depending on diet and activity levels.



Obliques (Love-Handles)

Glutes (Booty)

Inner + Outer Thighs

Hamstrings (Back of the Thighs)

Quads (Top of the Thighs)

Biceps (Top of the arms)

Triceps (Back of the arms)


30% Permanent Fat Reduction

25% More Muscle and Creates New Muscle Fibers

Tightens Skin

Enhances the Contour, Firmness, and Strength of the Treated Area

Adds Curvature and Smoothness

Evens Skin Tone and Minimizes Dimpling

Increases Strength in the Gym

Improves Posture

Improves Diastasis Recti by 19%

Average Waist Circumference Reduction, 5.9cm

Significantly Improves Core Strength

Reduces Risk of Falling in Elderly Patients through Improved Core and Leg Strength

Improves Cardiovascular Health by Eliminating Dangerous Accumulated Fat around the Mid-Section

Targets and Permanently Destroys Subcutaneous and Visceral (behind the muscle) Fat

Speeds up Healing and Recovery Post-Surgery through Muscle Building and Strengthening (for all ages)

Assists in Creating an Hour Glass Figure for Women by Treating Love-Handles and Abdomen

Assists Men in Creating the V-Shape Body by Treating Love-Handles and Abdomen

How EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman Works

  1. Muscle Building (HIFEM): The HIFEM technology induces powerful, yet painless, muscle contractions that are not achievable through voluntary exercise. These repeated contractions stress the muscle fibers causing rapid rebuilding at a cellular level – which leads to increased muscle tone, strength, and definition. EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman is particularly effective for building and toning the abdominal muscles, love-handles, buttocks, thighs, calves and arms.
  2. Fat Reduction (RF): The radiofrequency (RF) component of EMSCULPT NEO generates heat within our subcutaneous fat as well as our visceral fat (the fat behind the muscle that we cannot target with normal exercise). This warm and comfortable heat makes our fat cells unstable and through a process called apoptosis, the fat cells burst. They are then metabolized and eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system.

The combination of these two technologies in a single 30-minute treatment session is intended to provide a comprehensive approach to body sculpting and contouring. Emsculpt Neo in Bozeman aims to address both muscle enhancement and fat reduction simultaneously, leading to more dramatic and well-rounded results compared to traditional non-surgical body-contouring treatments such as CoolSculpting, Laser Liposuction, Microneedling and VelaShape.

An EMSCULPT NEO package consists of 6 treatment sessions, each 30-minutes long. In this 30-minute session, each client receives 20,000 contractions to the body area selected for treatment (think 20,000 crunches, squats, bicep curls, lunges, or calf raises, etc). Additionally, completing an entire package of EMSCULPT NEO is equivalent to completing a 16-20 week HIIT workout in the gym! Think about how many hours of intense and long workout time you’ll be saving!

It is also important that you maintain adequate and increased water intake before, during, and after your EMSCULPT NEO treatment – as a well-hydrated body will receive maximum fat-burning and muscle-building benefits. We will provide you with the exact amount of ounces of water you will need to consume, per your own body weight, for your specific EMSCULPT NEO treatment.

What to Expect



The EMSCULPT NEO Consultation

You’ll begin your body sculpting journey with Juniper Face + Figure and receive a complimentary consultation with one of our staff. We will thoroughly go over your aesthetics complaints, desired outcomes, and goals. This consult will also include a 5-minute demo on the EMSCULPT NEO per the body area(s) that you are interested in treating. Upon learning that EMSCULPT NEO is the right choice for you, we will obtain private customized “Before” pictures for your record (these are always fun to have so you can see the considerable improvements to your body) and body measurements – if you prefer. Juniper Face + Figure also provides a complimentary virtual consultation with Bozeman’s favorite health and fitness expert, Pamela Olech. Her expertise will provide customized education on your diet, exercise, hydration, and activity levels. This will provide extra benefits to ensure you have the absolute best outcome during and after your EMSCULPT NEO package. Then, before getting you on the machine, we will go over what to expect during your treatment and answer all questions you may have.


The EMSCULPT NEO Treatment

Clients will get to relax in our comfortable suite overlooking the Bridger mountains. Depending on which body area(s) you’re seeking treatment, either one or two paddles will be placed comfortably, wrapped by a soft elastic band. Once the treatment starts, clients begin to feel a soft warmth, which is the radiofrequency penetrating to target your fat. Within 3 minutes, clients begin to feel their first contraction (the HIFEM technology). Contraction intensities will increase per the client’s comfort level (with most people eventually reaching 100%). Throughout the next 30 minutes, clients will cycle between contractions and a unique tapping sensation. This tapping is the EMSCULPT NEO breaking up any lactic acid formed by the contractions so clients won’t feel sore post-treatment.


Your Results

Before clients complete all four of the EMSCULPT NEO sessions, they will start noticing permanent fat loss and muscle building results. It is often reported that clothes start feeling looser and there is more definition and slimming visually seen in the area(s) receiving treatment. Our staff will obtain customized “After” pictures after the sixth (and last) session. Because EMSCULPT NEO results peek three months after completing the package, we will schedule you back for additional “After” photos. These personalized “Before” and “After” pictures will then be supplied to you for your records. Lastly, now that you committed to EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman at Juniper, enjoy the exact same package 50% off FOR LIFE as part of Juniper’s Lifetime Loyalty Program!

EMSCULPT NEO Special Offers

Enjoy special promotions with your EMSCULPT NEO treatment in Bozeman

Juniper has always been committed to excellence and putting our clients first. Here are many other discounts and offers we gift to you when you choose EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman at Juniper:

Once you complete a package of EMSCULPT NEO at Juniper, you will receive 50% off that same package/body area FOR LIFE. You will never find any other Med Spa in Bozeman that offers such generous discounts, but giving back to our clients has always been extremely important to us!

Receive a complimentary consultation with elite trainer and certified nutritionist, Pamela Olech (CPT, CNS) to help kickstart your health and wellness journey so you can maximize your EMSCULPT NEO results.

Receive $100 OFF Pamela Olech’s 6-Week Kickstart Fitness Program with purchase of any EMSCULPT NEO package at Juniper ($299)

Visually monitor your progress with Juniper’s personalized “Before” and “After” photos and individual measurements!

When you pay in full!

EMSCULPT NEO Double Package Bonus: Buy 1 EMSCULPT NEO package, receive $1000 off a second body area!


How much does EMSCULPT NEO cost?

We will provide a cost estimate at your complimentary consultation but this may depend on your goals, current lifestyle factors (including diet and exercise routines), BMI, and your current weight loss journey. Generally, most people need a standard package, which includes four treatments.


Coolsculpting was one of the first non-invasive body-sculpting devices on the market debuting back in 2010. This 16-year-old technology is designed to freeze and shrink fat cells with hopes that after several months, some of these fat cells will crystallize and die. Clients have reported a painful and uncomfortable sucking sensation during the treatments, which often leaves most with post-treatment swelling that can last for days. Unfortunately, there have also been public accounts, even made by celebrities, reporting that they have become brutally disfigured after receiving Coolsculpting treatments while many others are reporting no improvements or results at all. Those that have seen improvements report that it took several months and that the overall fat loss was minimal or minor, at best.

EMSCULPT NEO in Bozeman permanently reduces fat by 30% through apoptosis – the bursting of fat cells through pain-free radiofrequency. In addition, it also works simultaneously to contract, strengthen, and build new muscle fibers up to 25% through pain-free HIFEM technology. Clients enjoy seeing results right away and there is no post-treatment pain, swelling, or downtime. Enjoy discounted maintenance sessions FOR LIFE with EMSCULPT NEO after completing a treatment at Juniper!

Is there any downtime?

EMSCULPT NEO requires no recovery time! You can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment. Some clients report that post-treatment high one would get after a great workout!

Will I be sore after my session on the EMSCULPT NEO?

For some clients but not all, you may experience mild and comfortable post-treatment tightness in the muscles that received the treatment. Another great benefit of the EMSCULPT NEO is that it initiates a breakdown of your lactic acid in between the contractions. This allows your body to flush the lactic acid through your lymphatic system (another reason increased water consumption is so important) so you are not feeling sore or tender following any of your treatments.

See if EMSCULPT NEO is Right For You!

Ready to start looking like your best self, but don’t know where to start? Our virtual consultation tool can match you with the treatments best suited to help you meet your unique aesthetic goals!

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Creating Confidence in All of Our Patients

Located in the heart of Four Corners, Juniper Face + Figure is a leading medspa in Bozeman, MT. Our cosmetic injector Brett brings a unique approach to cosmetic treatments that focuses on artistry, detail, and patient education. Her unique and perfectionist touch helps patients feel empowered and confident, both in their treatment and in their results.